Feminism and its Relevance in South Asia


Women Unlimited, 2004

46 pages


Price INR 55.00

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Feminism is charged with being an ‘imported western’ idea and considered irrelevant for women in South Asia. Why are feminists considered to be rebels? Who are feminists, to begin with? This classic basic text answers the most commonly asked questions on feminism.

Kamla Bhasin

Kamla Bhasin worked with the Freedom From Hunger Campaign of the FAO for over twenty years, and is a well-known gender trainer. She has written extensively on participatory training; on women; and on sustainable development. She has also written many songs on all these issues!

Nighat Said Khan

Nighat Said Khan is a prominent feminist activist, academic and author in Pakistan. She is the director and founder of the Applied Socio-Economic Research (ASR) Resource Centre and a founding member of the Women's Action Forum. Khan is also the Dean of Studies at the Institute of Women's Studies, Lahore.