Women Unlimited is committed to ensuring your satisfaction with any book/books you have ordered from us. We offer an EASY 7-DAY REFUND OR EXCHANGE policy. If you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase, you may exchange or return most books you buy from us.

Return and Exchange:

In case you receive any book with a manufacturing defect (e.g., unprinted formes, incorrect binding, incorrect cover, or any other obvious error in the manufacturing process), we will replace the copy with an error-free copy at no extra cost to you. Kindly write to us at and send us photos of the manufacturing errors within 7 days of your receipt of the book/s.

In case you receive any book with more than marginal damage due to faulty packaging, we will replace the copy with a fresh copy at no extra cost to you. Kindly write to us at and send us photos of the damaged copy within 7 days of your receipt of the book/s.

In case you do not receive the book/s ordered by you and receive some other book/s instead, we will send the correct order at no extra cost to you. Kindly write to us at and send us photos of the incorrect order within 7 days of your receipt of the book/s.


An order cannot be cancelled after shipment. If you wish to cancel your order, we can only cancel it before it has been shipped.

If your order has been placed before 2 p.m., we ship it on the same day, barring exceptional circumstances. In case the order is placed after 2 p.m., we ship it the following day.

To process a return or cancellation please call on 011-26866596(Monday to Friday from 11.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. IST) or write to us at